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First of all, I’m not sure if you will read this message once.
But, that’s my style, and I would like to write something for you.

I just want to say thank you guys. The Foo Fighters songs has the power to leave me out of this place and bring me back with a balanced ph.
One year ago, I got a birthday gift from my wife. That was a “Skin and Bones” DVD. I’ve always been a foo-fan, since the old materials to nowadays. But, when I started to watch that DVD, I’ve got the perception that you guys increased maturity, feeling, experience and getting better and better…

Since that day, I´ve started to pick-up the songs as the same as the concert - in acoustic style.

Great experience!!! Serendipity!!!!

Join some friends, a couple of beer and (what a coincidence) some shots of Jaegermeister, we have a joy, the pleasure and rock ’n’ roll.

Play FF songs plugged was great! Unplugged, fun!!!
And that’s what we´re looking for!!!


I’m almost 40 (as Dave’s). What I would like to ask you? OK. Please, don’t give up. You must find the strength to put FF on top.
My opinion. You´re the last call for real ROCK. I mean, not a boutique band.

You´re the last monster of rock.

Keep us alive with your songs.

My best wishes. God blessed you.




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